
I'm an European who enjoys programming, the outdoors, technology, and art.

This website's purpose is to provide me a platform that I fully control and can use to share things with others.

Most of the content is not fully public though, and that's why it seems like there's not much here if you're not logged in.

I'm a...

Privacy advocate

I value privacy a lot. I guess that I could be called a privacy advocate even.

That's partly why almost everything is by default protected and hidden from unauthenticated visitors.

And if I have granted you access to those hidden parts, I'd ask you kindly to not to share them.


I enjoy programming quite a bit, but as of writing this I'm only doing it as a hobby.

This website that you're on now is one example of the things I might code.

If you're interested in seeing what various projects I'm currently working on, you can have a look at my public git repositories at git.ljoonal.xyz.


This ties in well with liking privacy. Since I tend to choose solutions that allow me to keep my data on my own servers rather than handing over to corporations to be abused.

And I find all the setup and tech fascinating anyways.

For example, I've done quite a lot of things to increase the security and privacy of this site, which can be confirmed with the very high mozilla observatory rating for this site.

And also the TLS is hopefully still quite bleeding edge whilst you're reading this, ensuring that my data stays better guarded by keeping your connection private.